Gan,ane mau share tentang beberapa serangga yg terletak di hutan amazon

Owl butterfly (Caligo idomeneus)
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Black, orange, and light blue butterfly on a Heliconia leaf, possibly Ithomia pellucida or the "Blue transparent"

Rhetus periander butterfly
Black base with iridescent blue and neon fuschia markings
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Multi-colored grasshoppers mating
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Wolf spider
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Rainforest spider
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Latern fly (Pterodictya reticularis) in Peru
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Camouflaged praying mantis
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Update !!

Black grasshopper with indigo blue eyes and yellow polkadots
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Giant walking stick insect
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Tail-less whip scorpion (Amblypygid sp)
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Ceiba borer beetle (family Elateridae)
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Green, teal, blue, pruple, red, and black insect
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Small red and black Pleasing Fungus Beetle (family Erotylidae)
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Turquoise fly with black wings and bright red eyes
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Multi-colored butterfly on a beach (unknown species)
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Round black fury caterpillar
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Red-orange, black, white, and maroon caterpillar
Location: Tambopata rainforest

Small green, gold, and brown scorpion
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru

Red rainforest crab
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
sumber :
Spoiler for Owl Butterfly:
Owl butterfly (Caligo idomeneus)
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Black, orange, and light blue butterfly:
Black, orange, and light blue butterfly on a Heliconia leaf, possibly Ithomia pellucida or the "Blue transparent"
Spoiler for Rhetus periander butterfly:
Rhetus periander butterfly
Black base with iridescent blue and neon fuschia markings
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Multi-colored grasshoppers:
Multi-colored grasshoppers mating
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Green and brown grasshopper with yellow markings and a black head:
Spoiler for Wolf Spider:
Wolf spider
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Thin spider-like harvestman in the Amazon:
Spoiler for Rainforest Spider:
Rainforest spider
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly:
Clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Latern fly (Pterodictya reticularis):
Latern fly (Pterodictya reticularis) in Peru
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Camouflaged praying mantis:
Camouflaged praying mantis
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Update !!
Spoiler for Black grasshopper with indigo blue eyes and yellow polkadots:
Black grasshopper with indigo blue eyes and yellow polkadots
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Giant walking stick insect:
Giant walking stick insect
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Tail-less whip scorpion (Amblypygid sp):
Tail-less whip scorpion (Amblypygid sp)
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Ceiba borer beetle (family Elateridae):
Ceiba borer beetle (family Elateridae)
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Green, teal, blue, pruple, red, and black insect:
Green, teal, blue, pruple, red, and black insect
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Small red and black Pleasing Fungus Beetle (family Erotylidae):
Small red and black Pleasing Fungus Beetle (family Erotylidae)
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Turquoise fly with black wings and bright red eyes:
Turquoise fly with black wings and bright red eyes
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Multi-colored butterfly on a beach (unknown species):
Multi-colored butterfly on a beach (unknown species)
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Round black fury caterpillar:
Round black fury caterpillar
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Red-orange, black, white, and maroon caterpillar:
Red-orange, black, white, and maroon caterpillar
Location: Tambopata rainforest
Spoiler for Small green, gold, and brown scorpion:
Small green, gold, and brown scorpion
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Katydid:
Spoiler for Red rainforest crab:
Red rainforest crab
Location: Manu National Park in the Rainforest of Peru
Spoiler for Blue Morpho Caterpillar:
Spoiler for Hamadryas butterfly:
Spoiler for Giant black and red jungle tarantula, possibly Pamphobeteus petersi or Red rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans):
Spoiler for Assassin Bug, family Reduviidae (Red bug):
Spoiler for Pleasing Fungus Beetle, family Erotylidae (Zig zag pattern):
Spoiler for Skimmer, family Libellulidae (Rasberry dragonfly):
Spoiler for Brown praying mantis:
Spoiler for Dark green beetle with red spots:
Spoiler for Scorpion-spider (Amblipigy order):
Spoiler for Turquoise shield bug with orange legs:
Spoiler for Insect:
Spoiler for Orange and black insect (planthopper?):
Spoiler for Ant:
Spoiler for Green insect with polka dots:
sumber :
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