HAITI Diguncang GEMPA : 100.000 MATI

Tepatnya pukul 4.53 sore kemarin, haiti di guncang gempa sebesar 7,2 SR
Setelahnya terdapat 3 kali gempa susulan dan yang terbesar mencapai 5,3 SR
Gempa ini memakan Korban ebih dari 100.000 orang
17 pekerja dari PBB / UN yang sedang bertugas disanapun menjadi korban

Ini Gallery nya....

Two injured children sit by the side of the road the day after the earthquake struck Haiti

An injured girl is given water by a French aid worker at a makeshift field hospital in Port-au-Prince

Inilah para tim pencari yang sedang bersiap-siap...

British Search and Rescue teams prepare to leave Gatwick airport, to provide assistance to relief and rescue teams in Haiti

Search and rescue officials from the United States Agency for International Development board a plane from the U.S. to Haiti

A woman sobs as she takes in the devastation caused by the quake

UN staff leave the UN mission, known as Minustah, after the earthquake

Peraih Nobel perdamaian Zilda Arns Juga menjadi korban tewas di haiti....

Brazilian pediatrician Zilda Arns Neumann died in the earthquake

An injured man is rescued by UN search and rescue officials

Buildings were destroyed in the devastating quake. Here, a car is seen covered in rubble in downtown Haiti

Istana Nasional Haiti pun jadi sasaran Gempa....

 Haiti National

Survivors gather outside Haiti's National Palace which was badly damaged in the earthquake

port au prince

A woman receives assistance in a collapsed bulding in Port-au-Prince

Haitians pass a covered body as they take in the devastation in Port-au-Prince

Haiti earthquake

Stunned Haitians walk past a damaged building in Port-au-Prince in the aftermath of the quake


sumber :http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1242939/Haiti-earthquake-Number-dead-100-000-bloodstained-bodies-pile-streets.html
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